Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Celebrate! Celebrate!

January 8, 2008 is the 25th anniversary of the first Achilles workout held in Central Park, New York City.

More January Birthdays!

A big, warm Happy Birthday to our Achilles Members:

        • Mary H. - January 16
        • Monica R. - January 19
        • Judith R. - January 22
        • Chari H. - January 28

Q. Does a pink candle burn longer than a blue one?
A. No, they both burn shorter!

Q. Why did the birthday cake go to the doctor?
A. Because it was feeling crumby!

Q. What do they serve at birthday parties in heaven?
A. Angel food cake!

What did one candle say to the other?
"Don't birthdays burn you up?"

Why was the birthday cake as hard as a rock?
Because it was marble cake!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Birthday Bash @ the Gritty

Happy Birthday January Babies!